Thats right! We dumped the old one and enlisted our good friends Kenny and Hal to create a new website for us. This one should be a lot more informative and much easier to navigate than the previous site. Plus it's got a bunch of cool new features that the other one was severely lacking.
Now, you'll be able to stream entire albums, place orders with ease and keep up to date on whats happening with FYBS (yes, we're actually going to be able to update this one from time to time). There's a show calendar so our local Sacramentans will be more aware of our events. Even if you don't live in Sacramento, you'll know whats happening so maybe you'll come visit us from time to time! FYBS is always organizing and promoting awesome shows. So get off your ass and come have some fun with us!
Well, thats it for now. More good news to come! Don't let this awesome picture stop you from browsing. Go ahead and take a look around!